Automotive Defects, Injury and Death
What may first appear to be a straightforward car accident case may quickly turn into a complex claim involving an automobile defect. A faulty automotive design may be the direct cause of your accident. Product liability cases are complex and should be entrusted to a skilled trial attorney.
Automobile defects frequently lead to catastrophic, even fatal injuries. These injuries can result in the need for substantial medical treatment. These costs can be especially challenging for a family already dealing with a person who cannot work because of his or her injuries. Our firm can investigate your claim and, if it is meritorious, can pursue a case against the automaker to get you the fair compensation you deserve.
Since 1984, we have been representing clients throughout Kansas, Missouri, and the nation who have been severely injured or killed because of automobile defects like:
Defective seatbelt;
Fuel-fed fire;
Seatback failure;
Air bag deployment failures.
These lawsuits require an understanding of complex engineering and scientific issues related to a product defect. We work with multiple automotive experts who will investigate to determine the exact cause of an accident. If a meritorious claim exists, we can pursue the case to get fair compensation for injuries or losses. These actions can motivate automakers to make less dangerous vehicles.
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident caused by an automobile defect, contact The Redfearn Law Firm for a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer.
Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. Missouri Supreme Court Rule 4-7.1.