Trucking Accidents, Injury and Death
Each year, semi tractor-trailers and other massive commercial trucks are involved in thousands of accidents on streets and highways across the United States. When these crashes occur, drivers and passengers in standard vehicles often suffer catastrophic injuries or tragic fatalities.
There are many nuances and complexities associated with investigation of truck accidents, making it essential to contact a dedicated lawyer with relevant experience as soon as you possibly can. Since 1984, attorneys at our firm have been investigating and prosecuting trucking accident claims on behalf of injured people and their families throughout Kansas, Missouri, and nationwide.
In some cases, a trucker, trucking company or insurer may fail to preserve evidence in the effort to avoid financial liability for an accident. We move quickly, enlist expert resources as needed and build the strongest possible cases to help our clients recover fair compensation. Our knowledge and capabilities cover:
- Various forms of truck accidents that may indicate specific types of negligence, including tractor-trailer jackknife accidents due to driver error or negligent maintenance;
- Trucking crashes caused by truck driver fatigue from operating the vehicle too many hours without the rest required under federal regulations; and
- Other violations of federal and state trucking laws intended to keep overloaded trucks off the road, curb speeding by trucks, deter texting and other distracted-driving by truckers, and more.
Among numerous significant case successes in litigation against trucking companies and their insurers, our attorneys obtained a $1 million settlement in mediation for the victim of a tractor-trailer sideswipe on the interstate. We successfully represented the family of a semi-truck driver who was killed when another semi-truck jack-knifed in front of him after improperly down-shifting in a curve. We were also able to confidentially settle a case on behalf of a family that lost their husband and father when he was run over while working on a road crew as a flagman.
Irresponsible truck drivers and companies that violate safety regulations pose a danger to everyone on the road. We take legal action to help victims recover and expose this type of recklessness. For a free consultation and case evaluation, contact us now.
Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. Missouri Supreme Court Rule 4-7.1.